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ASEAN for Business Bulletin Jul-Aug 2022: Implementing ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA); Collaboration in TVET

July 2022 Issue (link)
ATIGA brings ASEAN closer to its goal of becoming a single market and production base by reducing the tariff and non-tariff barriers for trade. ATIGA also creates the Rules-of-Origin procedures that provide flexibility in declaring the product’s certificate of origin

August 2022 Issue (link
ASEAN prioritises public-private partnerships to address skill mismatch and reinforce TVET training. In the new issue of ASEAN for Business, ASEAN Secretariat spoke with Wisnoe Satrijono, Executive Vice President of Human Capital Strategy at PT PLN (Persero) about business’ contribution to TVET and how it mutually benefits their operation.

September 05, 2022