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Fresh elephant foot yam from Chin State - a popular export product

Chin State’s elephant foot yam, which has already penetrated external markets, has proven a popular export product over the years. Yam production has become a lucrative business. According to Myanmar Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association, Myanmar is mostly exporting only raw yam, and value-added products made from yam will help the market grow in the long term. Myanmar is only producing semi-processed yams at present.

Elephant foot yams are the main product of Chin State, where they are cultivated on over 8,800 acres of land. The Kanpetlet, Mindat, and Matupi townships produce about 1 million visses (a viss is equal to 1.6 kilogrammes) of elephant foot yams. Elephant foot yams can be planted across the country. In addition to Chin State, yams are being grown in Kayin, Mon, and Shan states, and Taninthayi and Bago regions.

Yams produced in Chin State are getting a higher price than those from other regions as they have better quality and taste, traders said. - Salai Ko Kee, KK/GNLM


April 11, 2022