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Phan Oun on goals of CCF’s mission as Kingdom’s consumer guardians

Back in 2020, the government renamed the Cambodia Import-Export and Fraud Repression directorate-general to Consumer Protection, Competition and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CCF) and revised its roles and responsibilities.

The Post interviewed Phan Oun, director-general of the CCF, on his organisation’s mission and the activities they carry out to help Cambodia’s consumers and businesses.

What is CCF’s mission?

The CCF directorate-general is an institution under the Ministry of Commerce that plays a key role in protecting consumers and its responsibilities are clearly defined, as indicated by the new name, as the protection of consumer rights and interests and ensuring market competition.

We work to ensure a fairly competitive business environment that is free from fraud while ensuring the safety and quality of products and services.

How do you accomplish that mission? What other roles does CCF have?

The CCF plays an important role in researching, formulating policies and strategies related to quality, safety of goods and services, and consumer protection and competition.

We also have the role of inspecting goods and services under our jurisdiction. We work with police and other authorities to investigate and prevent fraudulent business activities and we protect consumers’ rights and interests to ensure the quality, safety and regulatory compliance of products and services as well as taking action on contracts that restrict or defame market competition.

All of this helps to ensure a more competitive market for goods and services in Cambodia and that helps consumers by providing them with more options. More choices will generally lead to better products at lower prices because businesses must compete for market share.

The CCF also acts as the secretariat for the National Commission for Examination of Halal Products in Cambodia and the National Codex Committee as well as the secretariat of the Cambodia Competition Commission once it is established in the near future.

For full article, please read here

Author: Long Kimmarita 

Source: The Phnom Penh Post 

January 14, 2022