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Myanmar tamarind price rises again due to Bangladesh demand


Myanmar tamarind price rises again due to Bangladesh demand

Tamarind, grown in Myanmar, has been decreasing in price and has stopped trading since the end of April. It has seen a sharp rise in prices starting from the first week of August due to demand from Bangladesh, said the tamarind traders from the Mandalay market.

The price of seeded tamarinds has risen from K800 to K1,100 per viss (one viss equals 1.6 kg), while seedless tamarinds are priced at K2,300 per viss, up from K1,800 in the Mandala market. Tamarinds are selling well in the market. “This is a good year for tamarind price. At this moment, there is no buyer for plum. But, tamarinds prices have risen again due to the demand from Bangladesh. Now, the tamarind growers are happy as they are getting a good price this year. The tamarind is a marketable product in foreign countries.

Last year, tamarind was demanded from China and India. Myanmar people use tamarind in traditional cuisine besides making traditional medicines,” said U Soe Win Myint, owner of Soe Win Myint commodity depot.
Tamarind trees grow across the country. Especially, the trees are mostly found in the central regions of Myanmar. They can be harvested only once a year in the summer.

Tamarinds from Kyaukpadaung, Popa, Pakokku, Yamethin, Zeepingyi and Pinlaebu towns are sending to the market. All the tamarind producing areas across the country will supply abundant tamarinds to markets in the pre-Thingyan Festival period.

Reported by Min Htet Aung (Mandalay Sub-Printing House)/GNLM

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

Picture source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

Original Published Date:28 August, 2021

September 01, 2021