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Brunei to host ASEAN roundtables, summit and business awards

Brunei businesses are invited to join the upcoming ASEAN Business Roundtables, ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS), and the ASEAN Business Awards (ABA) which are being hosted this year in the Sultanate as part of the country’s ASEAN chairmanship.

Brunei’s ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) – the country’s private sector representative to ASEAN – will be organizing the three events. The ABIS and ABA will be held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) on October 25 and November 10 respectively.

The roundtables, which serves as a prelude to the bigger ABIS and ABA, will take a deeper dive into fintech and digital skills in August and September. These events were officially unveiled by Brunei’s ASEAN-BAC yesterday at the ICC.

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam along with other heads of state from ASEAN and its partners are anticipated to join ABIS, which is billed as ASEAN’s most important business event of the year, bridging both the private and public sector for strategic dialogue.

This year’s ABIS carries the theme ‘Building Our Sustainable Digital Future’ in light of the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, tying into the wider strategic thrusts under Brunei’s ASEAN chairmanship of recovery, digitalisation, and sustainability.

All the events will be done in a hybrid format – with local attendees at ICC and the majority of foreign participants joining virtually.

Source: Biz Brunei

Read the full article here.


July 26, 2021