Latest ASEAN news

ASEAN is the next Silicon Valley, absorbing global tech talent

In the ASEAN Dialogue series, Nikhar Aggarwal of Economic Times CIO conducted a candid discussion with Miao Song, Global CIO, MARS Petcare. The discussion revolved around successful use cases of technologies such as Analytics, AI and touch based on a few emerging trends such as blockchain. Song highlighted her experience with technologies and managing her team amid this pandemic.
She has emphasised smart manufacturing, remote working, the use of digital twins, and the digital transformation journey of the organisation. Song has expressed her personal opinion on the technological evolution of Singapore and the ASEAN region leading in the journey of digitalisation around the world. The discussion concluded on how Southeast Asia is becoming the Silicon Valley and thriving on innovation.
When asked about the job opportunities in the Southeast Asia market for techies, Song confidently expressed her personal opinion and experience as she has recently come back to Singapore for a period. She said that tech professionals, IT graduates and even the young entrepreneurs planning to build a start-up in Southeast Asia, the region is cultivating opportunities for everyone, all it takes is an open mind, innovative thinking and calibre to build something new, rest the region will open gates for talent from around the world.
Watch the video of the interview here
Source: Economic Times CIO

July 05, 2021