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Emerging trends in the foodtech industry in Southeast Asia

Digitalisation and technology innovation have fuelled the growth of many industries, among them food technologies, which not only has emerged as a response to the COVID-19, but also are helping the food and beverages industry to keep up with changing consumer demands and consumption trends.

Sub-industries such as online grocery and food delivery services, health conscious, plant based and bioengineered foods, and more nutritious and bespoke pet food, are all influencing the emergence of various foodtech solutions and companies. As consumers are increasingly health conscious, they are choosing sustainable, locally sourced and produced products, which have clear health benefits, and are also environmentally friendly to produce and recycle. Therefore, there are various opportunities for ASEAN food-, bio- and agritech companies to launch new products, attract additional customers and gain market share in a fast-growing and lucrative industry.


Source: Tech Collective

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Thumbnail credit :"Competition for Gojek.. the motorcycle uber" by jasongraham99 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

April 05, 2021