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‘Centre of gravity’ for regional aviation

Brunei Darussalam is “poised to be the aviation centre of gravity”, for the Southeast Asia region, according to AeroAsia Holdings Corporation, a company leading an international collaboration venture to support the country’s aviation industry.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by AeroAsia with a number of other companies to support this development at a signing ceremony at The Rizqun International Hotel on Friday.

AeroAsia said that as of 2023, the aviation services market is valued at approximately USD130 billion, adding that Airbus projects that this valuation is expected to nearly double to USD255 billion by 2042.

Airbus forecasts a demand for 40,850 new passenger and freighter aircraft deliveries over the next 20 years. At the same time, Boeing projects that Southeast Asia will represent 70,000 new pilots, 130,000 new technicians and 210,000 new cabin crews between 2030 and 2042, according to the company.

It said the Sultanate is geographically located at the centre of Southeast Asia with a flight time radius of within three hours.

“Brunei represents a strategic base of operations to train aviation personnel and service aircrafts within the region,” it said.

Source: Borneo Bulletin

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January 30, 2024